SpectreisanAI-poweredshutterforyouriPhone,lettingyoucreateamazinglongexposures.FromtheteamthatbroughtyouHalide.Getitonthe.AppStore ...,AI智慧攝錄功能:AIliveshutter・AIlivestoryPro;焦點播放功能;搭載Qualcomm®Snapdragon™865晶片;支援Snapdragon™EliteGaming;12GBRAM/256GROM/最高支援1TB ...,處理器型號,QualcommSnapdragon6905G八核心處理器;影音支援,4K影片攝錄,焦點播放功能,AILiveStory,AILiveshutter;藍牙,...


Spectre is an AI-powered shutter for your iPhone, letting you create amazing long exposures. From the team that brought you Halide. Get it on the. App Store ...


AI智慧攝錄功能: AI live shutter・AI live story Pro; 焦點播放功能; 搭載Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 865晶片; 支援Snapdragon™ Elite Gaming; 12GB RAM/256G ROM/最高支援1TB ...

AQUOS sense5G 鎂型敏捷可靠於手 ...

處理器型號, Qualcomm Snapdragon 690 5G 八核心處理器 ; 影音支援, 4K影片攝錄, 焦點播放功能, AI Live Story, AI Live shutter ; 藍牙, 〇,藍牙5.1 ; USB, USB 3.1 (USB ...

Meet Arsenal 2, the Intelligent Camera Assistant

Smarter than ever, Arsenal 2 uses AI and computational photography to help you take amazing photos in any conditions.

Shutter Stream Product Photography Software

Shutter Stream Product Photography Software features include: Camera control & capture, batch editing, background removal & processing tools.

AI Road Traffic Speed Dome Camera

With embedded AI LPR algorithm, Milesight Road Traffic Speed Dome provides 360° traffic monitoring and plate data manegement to improve road safety and law ...

AI 圖片生成工具

我們頂尖的AI 圖片產生器使用簡單,並且只要幾秒就能將文字提示轉換為創新的AI 照片,還提供數百種創意AI 藝術風格。

Global Shutter为AI 点睛—新闻频道

通过AI,大数据和互联网技术,带动了智慧城市的建设。智能安防,智慧交通,智慧工厂,智慧商业,智能家居,都能看到Camera的身影。一般情况下,Rolling ...

AI Tracking PTZ Camera 20X

Zowietek New Gen PTZ Camera PoE | AI Tracking | 20X Optical Zoom |NDI|HB with USB3.0, SDI, and HDMI Outputs | IP Live Streaming ... Shutter, 1/30s ~ 1 ...